Artists, hagiographers, writers, poets, scholars, musicians and architects have left a rich legacy to Corfu: their work.


The cultural heritage of previous centuries is carried on today by some very significant people. Who are they and what are their activities?

Corfu's Philharmonic orchestras are world-famous. Which are they, when and what they play.

In a Corfu reminiscent of the setting for a dream, the shows and concerts could only take place in similar surroundings. Where to see the events all year round.


In the artist's Corfu there are many places where work is on display that is of more than local interest.

The religious beliefs of the Corfiots, and Saint Spiridon.

All the procession.

When they take place and why.



Municipal Theatre - Tel. 0661-33598

The main venue for cultural and other events all year round. Theatrical performances, concerts and other 'happenings', such as the World Billiards Championship, take place here. Good acoustics, comfortable seating, cheap drinks at the foyer bar, unusual events during the hot summer.


Orpheus - Tel. 0661-39768,9

A winter cinema with a newly-renovated auditorium and modern equipment, it always shows the latest films.


Phoenix - Tel. 0661-37482

The classic little summer cinema, with gravel underfoot, deckchairs with small tables in between, and an excellent choice of films brought by the "Meteikasma" Cinema Society. A municipal venture, housed in an atmospheric location.


Old Fortress - Tel. 0661-48311
New Fortress - Tel. 0661-27370

Whatever happens in Corfu in the summer is bound to happen at one of the two fortresses, the Old and the New. Concerts, theatre, dance displays by local schools, and whatever else might attract spectators, take place in the atmospheric and cool settings of the fortresses.





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